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Follow these steps to juice a citrus fruit (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, etc.) using a citrus reamer. The reamer is definitely my preferred tool to juice with!
What You'll Need:

Step 1
Cut your citrus fruit in half around the "hemisphere" (if you picture your fruit as the planet earth and the stem end and it's opposite side are the north and south poles, you will be cutting midway through your two poles, but not through them).

Step 2
Place a fine mesh strainer over a liquid measuring cup. If the strainer has a handle (like mine does) and won't stay propped up on it's own, you may have to employ another object from your kitchen to hold up the handle. I usually use my knife block. Hold one half of your fruit in your non-dominant hand and place the center of the reamer into the center of the fruit.

Step 3
Press the reamer into the fruit, while simultaneously twisting the fruit half around the reamer. I use quite a bit of pressure with both hands to ensure that I'm getting as much juice as possible.

I like straining into the measuring cup because you can see in "real time" how much juice you're getting. My goal was 2 cups of juice, and it took me 7 medium-sized oranges to get there.
