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Follow these tips to open and obtain slices of avocado. I love avocados on toast, in a salad, in a wrap or on a sandwich, as a taco or burger toppings...I love avocados everywhere :) Avocados are actually a fruit, and contain more potassium than a banana. Although they are high in fat, it's mostly monosaturated fat, which is considered healthy fat. They are also high in fiber, which helps you feel full.
An avocado that is ready to eat should feel firm to the touch, but when squeezed gently has a little give. If you buy avocados that are quite hard, just keep them on your kitchen counter and check them daily-they will continue to ripen. Once they feel ready, if you are not ready to use them move them to the refrigerator where they should stay good a solid week or two.
What You'll Need:
Step 1
Using a chef's knife or paring knife, cut the avocado in half lengthwise, or "pole to pole" (think of the avocado's stem as the north pole, and the opposite end as the south pole). There is a large pit in the middle, so you will essentially start slicing into your avocado lengthwise until you feel resistance, then slice your way around the pit. Once you've come full circle, twist your two avocado halves in opposite directions and the avocado should easily come apart into two halves.

Step 2
Firmly strike your knife into the center of the pit. Twist the knife to remove the pit completely.

Discard the pit. I usually do this by rapping the handle of my knife against the end of my garbage can; the pit should fly off into the garbage.
Step 3
Use your knife to cut strips lengthwise down the interior of your avocado halves.

Step 4
Use a spoon to scoop the slices out of the avocado skin.

If making guacamole, you could skip the slicing step and just scoop the avocado half out in one big piece. You can throw your avocado skin away, OR if you are making guacamole, this would be a lovely and festive little vessel to serve your guac in :)